WARNING: This is me being judgmental about ACTUAL EVENTS. I can do that, I have the right especially when it's across the street. If you don't want to experience me being holier than thou (or them, or... whatever) stop reading now. Right now. I mean it! This is some ridiculous crap and I'm gonna call it like I see it. I obviously LIVE in the trailer park, so there is no judgment there; I don't look down on people with kids OR those that need state aid, my family depended on help when I was young. Again, this isn't why I use certain terms, I use them because they are ACCURATE.
Let me first introduce the players in this predictably trashy... in this thing... Names have OBVIOUSLY been changed to protect the ... people involved.
Peg- Professional breeder, mother of 4; 5th on the way, one has been taken from her. No vehicle, no job (duh) and no prospect to ever be anything better than she is at this moment
Alvin- Moron (ex)boyfriend of Peg's, worked for Cable Co. R Us, a decade older than Peg and no stranger to knocking a woman around
Marcy- Poor hapless pregnant.... girl, friend of Peg
Violet- Caring neighbor and general good soul
Scene: that trailer park on the edge of town, you know the one; not terribly shabby, no fences made from car hoods, but a trailer park none the less. Plenty of dogs, cats, and children abound on any given day ending in 'y'; and more every other weekend. Lots of noise and yelling so often commotion is overlooked or ignored.
It was a quiet Monday night at the end of a chilly November. There was frost atop the fallen leaves and Peg went to bed giving little thought to Alvin, despite the protection order that she had had to take out after he called and threatened her life and that of their unborn child. The small children (all under 9) were all asleep in their room and her friend Marcy was asleep on the couch, the young expectant mother ignorant of the danger the darkness held. In the first moments of early morning a cable van pulled up to her trailer; to the normal passer-by nothing was amiss. Alvin and Peg had lived together for a while and comings and goings at all hours aren't unheard of.
He entered the house and saw a sleeping figure on the couch, and swung sinking his blade into the slumbering figure her startled screams cutting into the early morn. Marcy lurched for the door clutching at her wounds begging for help as she stumbled across the lawn. The confused dark figure looked left and right and made move towards Peg's door before turning to flee. As he fumbled in his van and sped off Marcy plodded toward the light in the distance.
Violet had heard some noise as she played some games in the facespace. When the noise came direct to her door she peered out into the darkness. It looked like a scene from a cheap horror movie, too much blood... blood was everywhere. Blue eyes peered at her pleading "Help me! He's still after me!" Violet thought it was her writer friend from a few trailers down, was there a car accident? Yanking the door open she breathed a sigh of relief and caught her own breath in the next moment. The girl that stood before her was unknown to her but she ushered Marcy in and tried to calm her while Violet's mother called the authorities. The sounds of sirens woke the nearby residents hours before sunrise.
A day passed, blood spattered the front lawn where the children's toys were strewn and people just cluck their tongues. Violet spent the next day cleaning up the carnage that had spilled into her living room. All she could do now was answer the authorities questions and figure out how to get blood out of carpet. Even Marcy's mother came to Violet to thank her for saving her daughter's life.
So now the whispers of concern circulate for Marcy and there are plenty of people saying that well, Peg had it coming. What the blogger across the street wonders is why the heck this white trash baby factory is able to keep the remaining children in her care if this is the sort of thing that happens around her. And once is.... too much. 3 children in this house and another on the way; this is the stuff nightmares are made of and no child should live in a crime scene.
Yea, I sound sanctimonious. Big deal. This is crazy shit. It happened across the street. Effing crazy white trash breeders and their idiot boyfriends.
oMG Freeking love it if it was a book I would read it sooooo much drama but all to say everybody (even the unborn child) of Marcy has survived so far yes a series of bs events that just happen to come about every so often in a small town t.p. fer sure loving what the chief of police says that maybe people should be more aware of and I QUOTE ( a personal protection order) DUH No Im going to the court house today WHat for Oh Im gunna file a ppo for nothing DUH you fear for your life but not do anything when he say hes gunnna come to your house and KILL YOU AND THAT BABY but as children Lay to sleep the only other boy in the house his illigitament child and sorry for the spelling to all might read but Right On WTF LOL My Opinion (AWSOME JOB THIS WEEK) and SO with next week let us see What STUPIDS might bring ooooo I got one lol...or do I